A synchronous electric motor is an AC motor distinguished by a rotor spinning with coils passing magnets at the same rate as the power supply frequency and resulting rotating magnetic field which drives it.
Another way of saying this is that it does not rely on slip under usual operating conditions and as a result, produces torque at synchronous speed. Synchronous motors can be contrasted with an induction motor, which must slip in order to produce torque. They operate synchronously with line frequency. As with squirrel-cage induction motors, speed is determined by the number of pairs of poles and the line frequency.continue..
Another way of saying this is that it does not rely on slip under usual operating conditions and as a result, produces torque at synchronous speed. Synchronous motors can be contrasted with an induction motor, which must slip in order to produce torque. They operate synchronously with line frequency. As with squirrel-cage induction motors, speed is determined by the number of pairs of poles and the line frequency.continue..
A synchronous electric motor is like an induction motors in that they both have stator windings that produces a rotating magnetic field. Unlike an induction motor, the synchronous motor is excited by an external DC source.continue..
Synchronous motors have the same construction as alternators. The few special features relative to the production of the direct current necessary for their excitation will be treated separately, later. It will be assumed that the reader is already familiar with the general details of construction of alternators.continue..
Synchronous motors has fixed stator windings electrically to the ac power source. Current is induced in the rotor circuit via transformer action. the resulting magnetic field interacts with the stator's field, causing rotation.continue..
An asynchronous motor is an alternating current (AC) electric motor that utilizes an induced current in its rotor rather than a physical power supply to produce its rotational motion. Most electric motors rotate as a result of the interaction between the electromagnetic fields created in the stator and rotor of the motor. In an asynchronous motor, the field generated in the windings of the stator are produced by connecting them to an AC power supply. The field generated in the rotor is not supplied by the direct introduction of a current but rather through the transformer-like induction of current courtesy of the stator's adjacent electromagnetic field. Most larger AC motors in industrial or domestic applications are asynchronous motors.continue..
Due to their special operating characteristics, Synchronous Motor applications usually result in economical and operational advantages to end users. Included in the economical advantages of using Synchronous
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